
Saturday 28 April 2012

Book Reviews - "How to be Good" and "The Mumpreneur diaries"

"How to be Good" by Nick Hornby.

This is just one of many books packing our bookcases that has an unknown origin.  Where did it come from?  Hubby says he doesn't think he's read it, and it isn't his usual genre for impulse "I must have this book on my bookcase and one day you never know I might get around to reading it" buying.  It's definitely not one of mine.
Product Details
Anyway, Sis has a habit of taking books off shelves.  I'm trying to teach her (unsuccessfully at the moment) to take them off one at a time, because that's how many you can read, and then return them to the shelf before getting the next one.   Having picked this book up from the floor and slotted it back onto its shelf at the bottom of the stairs several times, I decided to relocate it to my bedside table for some light reading.

It made me giggle.  It's a very easy, stress-free read.  The main character is a basically good person, she's a bit bored of her husband, who seems a bit bored of her, and has a quick affair.  Meanwhile, her husband meets a faith-healer and suddenly decides to be good.  Her life is turned upside down as her previously grumpy husband suddenly gets into charity, the homeless, giving, giving and giving.  Life gets very weird.

This book is funny, and also makes you question your own little hypocrisies a  bit.  I thoroughly recommend this for a little light brain relief and a good laugh.

"The Mumpreneur Diaries", by Mosey Jones.
I picked this one up in the library, in between supervising C's literary choices and following Sis around the octagonal building replacing all the books that she was releasing enthusistically from the shelves.
The Mumpreneur Diaries: Business, Babies or Bust - One Mother of a Year
The premise is that the author is just going on maternity leave to have her second baby.  She doesn't really want to go back to her job.  She decides that she should work from home, setting up a business during her maternity leave, which, if successful, will mean that she doesn't need to go back.

I found it very difficult to put down.  In fact, I was daftly reading until 2.15am so that I could get to the end and find out what she decided to do at the end of her year.  It was also funny.  And even more than that, it gave me a tremendous boost to see that actually, if this is anything like what life is like for some people staying at home with their children, then I am really not doing such a bad job!  This lady likes to drink wine during the afternoon and watch daytime television.  Housework doesn't get done.  She is an incredible procrastinator, list maker and impulse shopper.  One of her children is in full time childcare, so not there to distract her.  I'm still determined to make a go of working from home too... but I'm lucky in that I've still got a few years to get into profit, as I'm definitely staying at home until the children are at school.  After that, if I'm making money, it doesn't really matter where I do it, and it's only my own decision about what is going to suit me best.

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