It turns out, that I'm not such a writer after all.
While my dream remains to be a published author and write for a living, it turns out that when life gets busy and time is short, the two things on my "to do" list that I drop first are exercise and writing.
As a result, I've still not got a book or online course finished to a good enough standard for publication, and I'm still a larger dress-size than I'd like.
My top priority is my family:
Mr Build-it is motoring through Year 7. He's still got plenty of time for cuddles with his mum, but kisses are already off limits. He spends a lot of time in his room learning how to programme and is developing and building websites and online games and learning different programming languages. I try to keep up, and always show an interest, but quite often he is speaking a completely different language. He appears downstairs whenever he is hungry. My main task with him is encouraging him to get some daylight and fresh air on a daily basis, though that's got easier as he's discovered that some of his schoolfriends like to meet up at the playpark up the road so he takes himself up there to meet them.
Husband is, as always, very busy with work. He's also got a lot to do with our Scout Group. He became Group Scout Leader a year ago and, never one to do a half-job, is determined to have our Group be the best in the District - an example of "how it works". He's putting in a lot of hours and it's really beginning to show fruit. Our Group is a happy place to be.
I've recently gone back to the classroom once more. I'm teaching a lovely Year 5 class who need a great deal of teacher love. I'm determined to do a good job for these children, so I'm pouring in the effort and the hours of preparation that they deserve.
In the meantime, with Covid19 (fingers crossed) finally receding in threat, we are back face-to-face with our Beavers and Cubs. After a long break it's taking us a little while to get back in the flow, and I'm also bringing in a lot of new children, and trying hard to get a few more volunteers into the mix. My County role has had to take a bit of a back seat while this is happening, but I am also still delivering regular adult training courses and attending meetings.So... with family, school and Scouting all taking a lot of time and energy, and the continuous cycle of groceries, shopping, laundry, school run and dog walks... that hasn't really left a lot of time for writing or crafting (or exercise). So that's where I am right now. I'll come back to you next time with an update on how I'm getting along with those craft plans and New Year resolutions.