Books I've been reading...
I seem to have been doing a lot of reading just lately. Here's a few of my recent reads:
- "Regeneration" by Pat Barker. I've just finished this and it only took me a couple of evenings to read. Hubby did tell me a few times that I actually do need to put the book down and go to sleep, even if it is gripping. It was his fault - he recommended the book! The story is based around some facts - namely Siegfrid Sassoon's stay in Craiglockhart Military Mental Hospital in Edinburgh during the Second World War, and the time he spent there with Wilfrid Owen. It's horribly thought provoking, as there are references to the rationale behind continuing a war in which so many young men are being slaughtered, and to the grizzly experiences which are behind some of the illnesses suffered by young men in the hospital - most of whom, as soon as they are pronounced "fit" will be sent straight back to the front line. I learned a lot by reading this book, and will definitely be seeking out further Pat Barker books.
- "Creative Girl" by Katharine Sise. This book is an exploration of how to find a career that makes use of your creativity, whether in your current job, in a new job, or in your own business. There are lots of exercises to get you thinking about what would suit you, and it really does open your eyes to the breadth of possibilities.
- "The Handmade Marketplace - how to sell your crafts locally, globally and on-line" by Kari Chapin. I love this one. It gives lots of information about how to sell the things you make. About finding out which Craft Fair might suit your goods, about selling on Etsy and in shops. Can you tell that I'm thinking in this direction for how to make some cash in the next few years?
- "The Cruel Sea" by Nicholas Monsarrat. Another one that I picked up from Hubby's recommendation, and another war story. Nicholas spent time during the Second World War in the Atlantic Convoys. I had absolutely no idea just how brutal this part of the conflict was, just how many ships were destroyed. Again, the story was gripping and I learned a lot in the reading. You can't go wrong with a well told story that also teaches the reader things that they didn't know.
- "How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk" by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. I read this book quite quickly and will need to revisit it to absorb the ideas better. It just gives tools to help you communicate with your children in an effective and constructive way. I've caught myself saying things to the children and then reflecting that I could have said it better. With more reflection on the contents of this book, and with practice, I think I'll be able to communicate better more of the time.
Pat Barker's Union Street stayed with me for a while after I'd read that. I studied it at uni and after enjoying Regeneration (which your hubby lent me too!) I was pleased to see that Union Street had the same thought-provoking aspects while being entirely different subject matter. Give that one a look and let me know if you read any of her others :)