With sun hats firmly on and slathered with high factor sun-cream we have just been loving the outdoors. Our nap-time coincides splendidly with the warmest time of day, so the children are nicely resting - siesta-style - in the shade inside.
The other thing we've started to introduce is a letter day on a weekend. I don't really plan too much for the children to do on the weekends, because I want them to be relaxed times with the family, and we are often so busy with Scouting activities and events, or Hubby being at work, that it's better just to go with the flow. However, following C's lead, each weekend morning, he selects a letter from the "letter box" and puts it in a basket. We have a quick brainstorm of words which start with that letter. At points during the day when we need some direction I quickly come up with something that starts with that letter. We also have a go at writing the letter on paper and on the easel chalkboard.
- We wrote a letter to "Nana"
- We "noticed" some things
- We found our "name" on some things
- We ate something "nice"
- we wrote in a "notebook"
- we practiced our "numbers"
- we trimmed our "nails".
Last Sunday we were very busy (plus it was X!), so didn't do much to do with our letter. Yesterday we had the letter F:
- we played "football"
- we counted our "fingers"
- we had a "finger of fudge"
- we pressed some "flowers"
Today we had the letter B, but there haven't really been any occasions to use it, as we have just been playing outside all day, though I did suggest that we get the "baby bath" out to play with water in the garden, and also C's "bike".
Great idea about the letter of the day. I particularly like that you managed to include everyday tasks in it like cutting nails!
ReplyDeleteDoes your son understand about the sounds of letters yet? Esme doesn't really get it yet but I think it's partly down to her not speaking well. For example she pronounces her own name as 'Hessie' so trying to get her to think of 'e' for Esme is a bit tricky.
Yes, C is very hot on his letters. He recognises all of them, though of course he's two, so has some off days. His language has been pretty good right from the start. We spent quite a bit of time playing around with letters and sounds when Bug was tiny, but now that she monopolises so much time and energy, but isn't ready for letters yet, we've kind of put them on the back burner, so the letter of the day thing for the weekends helped us to put it back in focus a little bit in a fun way.