
Tuesday 28 June 2011

Ideas for a two-year old's birthday

So it isn't very long (three weeks yesterday) until my little man turns two.  Now that the holiday is done and my topsy-turvy brain seems to be functioning again it's time to come up with some ideas for his birthday present - yikes!
Mighty mini trikeFrom Mummy and Daddy we'd like to get him a pedal trike, but so far I can only find the ones with the handle on the back for the parents, or character ones.  I'd like a sturdy one that he can bomb around the garden on, the type that you often see outdoors at nurseries, but I can't find one cheaper than about £75 and I'm not spending that!

I'd also thought about a set of sports equipment that he can grow in to.  A collection of wooden cricket bat, small tennis racket, bean bags, a hoop, tennis balls and so on - I think I'll probably go down that route, so will need to get my head around it.

In terms of other ideas.  It's difficult because I think most children have far too many toys.  So many that most don't get played with, the children are overwhelmed by them all, and have little appreciation for them.  I think Little C has plenty of toys already, he plays with them all, and also has the opportunity for creative and imaginative play exploring the environment around him.  Having said that, these are some of the things that I'd be happy to see added to his shelves:

  • Anything from this website: 
  • junior magnifying glass or bug collecting and viewing equipment
  • animal figures  - zoo animals, farm animals or dinosaurs
  • more wooden track for his trains
That's all I can think of really!

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